Rokus van Blokland has been visiting the annual toy fair in Nuremberg since the early 1950s. Initially, he went alone, later together with Corry. The Nuremberg toy fair has been the most important toy fair in the world for decades. At the fair, which usually takes place at the end of January/beginning of February (and still does), toy manufacturers show their collections and latest designs.
In the early 1950s, the toy fair was still relatively small in size and could be accommodated in the Wieselerhaus in the city center. Later, the fair became so large and international that it had to be moved to a large, ever-growing new location on the outskirts of the city.
The trip to Nuremberg, the city, and the fair was an annual time of new impressions and inspiration for Rokus and Corry.

Die Form ist auch Farbe.
Ohne Farbe keine Form, ohne Form keine Farbe.
Form und Farbe sind eins.
Die am besten faßbare, bestimmbare Form ist die geometrische, deren Grundelemente der Kreis, das Quadrat, das Dreieck sind. In diesen drei Formelementen liegt jede mögliche Form keinhaft. sichtbar dem Sehenden - unsichtbar dem Nichtsehenden.