Rokus van Blokland
Corry van Blokland Mobach

Size Shape Colour
Rokus van Blokland taught the subject of Optical Grammatical Studies for decades as a teacher. Together with his students, he investigated the basics of design; the relationship between size, form, and colour.
This research also formed the basis of his own work, in both his spatial work and his drawings and paintings.

Rokus experimented with rhythms, proportions, color, and contrast. His painting from 1966, Light-Dark Contrast was created by changing the amounts of black and white in a series he determined. He made preparatory studies of this in gouache.

1966 Rhythm violet to pink
1966 Rhythm violet to blue
1966 Rhythm violet to blue

Digital editing of his designs

Rokus pushed the boundaries of what was possible with his colour experiments. In his designs, he often surpassed the actual making process. According to Rokus, commercially available colours were often "contaminated" with in his eyes unwanted colorants. That's why he mixed his own colours from a limited basic palette of high-quality oil paint. The search for the right colour was time-consuming.

In addition, Rokus was limited in his research because at the time he began his colour paintings (in the 1960s and 70s), there were no computers to assist him in his often mathematical approach. Number sequences, color saturation, surface sizes, contrasts. However, computers are now available. Below are some digitally rendered colour designs by Rokus made in 2014.

1971 Rhythm 6 x 6, gouache
1971 Rhythm of cyan and yellow

Rhythm of 7 by 7 squares which are half cyan or half yellow and rotating against each other. Green is created where cyan and yellow overlap each other.

2014 Rhythm of cyan and yellow, digital implementation
1971 Rhythm of cyan and magenta I

Rhythm of 7 by 7 squares which are half cyan or half magenta and rotating against each other. violet is created in the overlapping parts.

2014 Rhythm of cyan and magenta I, digital implementation
1971 Rhythm of cyan and magenta II

A rhythm of 7 by 7 squares. Each square consists of 4 smaller squares of which there are respectively 1, 2, 3, or 4 cyan or magenta squares. These 4 by 4 squares then rotate in a certain pattern against each other. Violet is created in the overlapping areas.

2014 Rhythm of cyan and magenta II, digital implementation
1971 Rhythm of magenta and orange

A rhythm of 7 by 7 squares. Each square consists of 4 smaller squares of which there are respectively 1, 2, 3, or 4 magenta or orange squares. These 4 by 4 squares then rotate in a certain pattern against each other. Red is created in the overlapping areas.

1971 (2014) Rhythm Green, orange, violet and blue

Rhythm with 10 in length increasing verticals.

1976 (2014) Rhythm Green, orange, violet and blue

Rhythm with 10 by 16 small squares.

1974 (2014) Grey and red

Rhythm with Golden Ratio proportions.

1978 (2014) Rhythm Blue and Black

Rhythm in which both colour and shape change in Golden Ratio.

1980 (2014) Black, Orange and Blue to White I
1980 (2014) Black, Orange and Blue to White II
1980 (2014) Black, Orange and Blue to White III