First Construction sets
In 1956 Rokus designs the main elements of which later will become Sio Montage. The slats get holes in a pattern of 12,5 - 25 - 12,5 mm.
The prototype has uncolored slats and black bakelelite bolts.
In the period the first Montage originates, Rokus designs a number of other construction sets with parts in it which appear later in the Sio Montage sets.

Already in those years the Hema initiated to develop new products. Regularly designs made for the Hema were taken in the Sio collection in the next year.
This series of construction kits from 1957 is a good example of the collaboration between Rokus and Corry. Additionally, it represents the new era in which more technical possibilities were available in the field of (wood) manufacturing, packaging, and printing techniques. The 3-color print with overlapping color shapes, without black contours, was applied in many designs by Corry and Rokus during this period.