Rokus van Blokland
Corry van Blokland Mobach

Play shops and Caravan
The Sio Collection of the time before Rokus started working for Sio, contained some shops. These were 'traditional' shops with drawers where anything could be put, a counter and a small window. The shops were just like the garages of that time made of lacquered wood with many small parts which were labour-intensive to produce.

The first design by Rokus and Corry, a Boutique, dates from 1977. From that time they design some shops and a caravan, made for dolls like Barbie or Sindy.

1954 Design modular shop

Design of a shop with removable elements so that the composition can be changed by the child.

1977 Sketches Boutique
1977 Drawing background Boutique
1977 Boutique

Fashion store for girls' doll Sindy with stool and wardrobe.
Size: 55 × 24 × 37 cm

1977 Boutique

Fashion store for girls doll Sindy.
Size: 45 × 20 × 31,5 cm

1977 First drawing shops

First sketches with ideas for three shops; a Flower Shop, a Grocery shp and a boutique. The shops were made with the same elements, the background drawings by Corry were different.

1977 Background Grocery shop

Drawing for the black printing.

1977 Background Grocery shop

Design drawing background Grocery shop.

1978 Grocery Shop

Photo from: Poppenhuizen 1880 - 1980, Een wereld van illusie
Waanders Uitgevers

1977 Background 'Boetiek'

Drawing for the black printing.

1977 Background 'Boetiek'

Drawing for the black Rose.

1978 Boetiek

1978 Background drawing Boetiek

1978 Drawing Flora Flowershop

Background drawing of the green color.

1978 Background drawing Flora Flowershop
1978 Counters shops

1979 Design Shop
1979 Design box shop
1979 Shop
1979 Factory in Vroomshoop

Erik between boxes ready for packing the store.

1976 Design drawings Caravan
1977 Caravan with Sindy

The top can be opened and becomes an awning.
Photo: Piet Mobach

2022 Mam'sell special edition about Sindy Caravan
1977 Interior Caravan
1977 Caravan

Photo: Piet Mobach